Sewerage project starts in Pakistan

Friday, January 19, 2007

In Pakistan, the Daily Times reported that construction work on a sewerage project has started in Pindi.

It said that the construction work for the Rawalpindi Environment Improvement Project (REIP) aims to lay a new underground drainage and sewerage system in the area.

The project director of REIP, Aslam Sabzwari, said, according to the report, that improvement of sanitation and sewerage system had started in the eastern zone of the city, consisting of 15 union councils (UCs). The project includes improvement of the sanitation and sewerage systems, a sewage treatment plant, solid waste management, removal of slaughter-houses and construction of public toilets.

Sabzwari also said that 22 new tube wells would be installed, while 32 old ones would be repaired under the project, recalling that the existing sewerage systems in Satellite Town and Kahyabane-Sirsyed were laid in the 1950s and 1969s, respectively, and were the main cause of the increasing case of hepatitis in the city.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Punjab government sponsor the REIP.

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Author: Admin