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By Allen Flores
As if there are not enough fruit machine cheats around, up surfaces another form of cheating. This time it has to do with fruit-machine refill keys.
First a fruit machine key permits you gather info about that certain machine you’re using it on. This’s information that is obviously not public knowledge without the key. Naturally the owners of the fruit-machine dont want you to be privy to this kind of data. Theyre always on the look out for fruit-machine cheats.
With the key you can really see how much money is in the hopper, which naturally gives you a great advantage. By knowing how much cash is in there, you’ll know if the machine is close to paying out. It’ll also tell you how much money the last player won. This is all according to what the key sellers claim.
The chance to buy these keys flows freely on the web, and Ebay. Obviously some of these keys wont do as they are advertised to do. For instance several of them supposedly give free pool games. Critics of this promotion say it can’t because the locks on pool tables are not the same as those on fruit-machines.
A few key promoters would tell you that by utilizing their keys you’ll have a definite advantage over the other fruit-machine players. First off they wont tell you when the best time to play is, or how much you’ll win or for that matter any other useful info. So what if it says that the hopper is empty. These fruit-machines could really easily payout the jack-pot whether or not the hopper is full or not. Fruit machine cheats truly don’t have the edge that they think they have. As a matter of fact if they buy these keys they might very well be the ones being cheated. I guess the saying that theres no honor amongst thieves can be quite true.
A enthusiastic pro fruit-machine player stands to lose more than he may win by utilising a key. Merely because if he gets caught doing so then he will most likely be stopped from the establishment. So whatsoever chance of playing that unique machine is pretty much nil.
If someone tries to tempt you to buy a key touting that it’s a new or different, you will be better off to ignore the offer. The only real use of these keys is to allow the machine to go into re fill mode and even permits you to adjust the volume.
Fruit-machine cheats are simple prey for the individuals that’re selling these keys. After all they will go to great lengths to beat these machines. It is virtually funny and ironic that they are the receiving end of the stick when it gets to be cheated. In this case we would have to say that fruit-machine cheats are getting what they deserve. It permits them to feel a bit of what the fruit machine owner feels when he realize he has been cheated.
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